Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friend needs Prayer

My co-worker Nancy, is in surgery today for two brain tumors, that they believe are malignant.  Nancy is a feisty realtor that handles estate sales, and is passionate about jewelry.  She buys estate items herself and sells them to a loyal Ebay clientele.  Nancy is the type to always have a smile on her face and an idea of how to build someone up or give them a pat on the back. 

Last week she became ill on Tuesday, throwing up and a headache and it continued until Thursday, when she drove herself to the emergency clinic, who then hurried her to icu at the hospital.  After several tests, she was put in a room at the hospital with more tests, given pain for the excruciating headache, and given the timetable of tests to surgery.

She has now reached the surgery stage, as they couldn't find another location that hte cancer could have come from.  Please pray for this awesome realtor, friend, mother, sister, and co-worker; that the Lord will guide the surgeons hands, that the problem can be fixed, and that Nancy will return to her life good as new.  Pray for her daughter who is a college student, her sister a nurse at the same hospital and all the realtors in our office who love Nancy and want her recovery.  When two or more are gathered to pray, God promises results, and I figure the world wide internet will get more than two or more together in prayer.  Thank you for reading this and praying.

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