Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We had a speaker this morning at our office who is a termite inspector, building inspector and Radon inspector.  He got his training on Radon in Colorado where it's a real problem due to the mountains and basements.  He says after learning what he did, he thinks it's well worth the cost to have your house tested, because it can be remediated if Radon is found, and if you have it and don't test, a loved one may end up with cancer.  YUCK!!

I'm concerned because I have a basement.  But he said that's what people think, that only basement's have this problem.  But he said actually any slab house is just as at risk.  He says he sees less in pier and beam homes if the foundation footing has adequate ventilation.  (Mine have been plugged up with spray on foam - I will get that removed.).

He said the newer the home, the more likely there is some radon because the new homes are built under such strict codes they are so air tight the gases build up and can't get out.  He said it is very important to periodically open the windows and let the gases go out of the house.  He says carpet is a bad thing too as it allows things to hide down in it and germs, etc. are still floating inside the house.  I open my bedroom window when I sleep when it's warm enough, but the rest of my house doesn't get much airing out.  After today, they will.

He had a new heater/air conditioner put in his office that has a certain type of light which kills germs, etc that goes through his filters.  He said the light bulb costs about $100 and it was probably several hundred to have it installed, but he said to keep everyone in his office well and working, it paid for itself.  His HVAC man was hesitant to do it, but he asked him "How much does each sickness cost once you go to doctor and get meds.  It will pay for itself in no time."  He is very pleased with his system.  I can't remember the kind of light he said, but I'll try and find out.

Here was something else he said that surprised me.  Remember, I'm not a "lover" of granite.  I prefer marble.  But he said that he can't put the testing equipment near granite counters as they give off Radon.  Good news is that it's not the poisonous kind of Radon, the "alive" Radon.  Frankly, I'd think any Radon would be bad.  I wouldn't want to take a chance, so I'll stick with my laminate counters and marble bath counters. 

He also said it's bad in sunken living areas, which my son has.  Other things wrong with that type of construction:  1.  As the foundation settles, the pipes under the sunken area get broken  2: and when they leak or break the water from those and the bathroom leaks in the wall between can cause termites to be drawn to your house.  YUCK, again. 

Well, I learned alot today about Radon, granite, sunken construction, termites, plumbing and other things, but the #1 thing he said.  If he had his way, builders would go back to building pier and beam homes.  I agree.  I love mine.

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