Monday, August 8, 2011

Musings about the state of the world. STUPID PEOPLE

1.  The stock market crashes because the S&P downgrade the USA debt (which is treasuries); so people flee the stockmarket and run into "safety" - the treasuries.  This is idiotic.  The stock market is made up of companies that know how to work under a budget and make money.  Flee the stupid treasuries and invest in the the companies that know how to profit!!!   Investors are stupid!!

2.  Police in UK have a standoff with a armed man.  They shoot him.  Rumors fly that he had already put the gun down.  People mad, so what do they do?  Do they storm the police station and demand justice.  Do they go to the courthouse and demand a trial or at least an investigation?  No, they go down the strees of UK busting out windows and setting innocent businesses on fire.  UK rioters are Stupid!!

3.  A young man was a pizza delivery dude.  Bad guys put a collar bomb on his neck and make him rob a bank.  When he asks the police to help him, they think he was part of the robbers and things went bad so they watch him blow up.  Police were Stupid!!

4.  People in the pizza delivery boy's hometown let their kids trict or treat with collarbombs (fake ones) around their necks on Halloween the next year.  Parents are Stupid.

5.  The guy from Social Network stars in a new movie about to come out about a pizza delivery dude being made to wear a collar bomb around his neck and rob a bank.  IT'S A COMEDY.  How could that be funny?  Comedies are Stupid!!

6.  When the family of the pizza delivery dude that got blown up give their opinion that they cannot see how a comedy could be made out of their life, the writers say they kinda had heard of this event, but they changed the movie to make it funny, and the actors and makers of the movie said they never knew this event really happened.  Writers and makers of movies and actors are Stupid!!!

7.  When I likewise agree with this family on Huffington, a man writes me to tell me I'm stupid and should worry about something important, like the state of the world.  I respond that I do worry about that, about China coming in and taking over the USA as they hold all our debt.  He wrote back to tell me that couldn't happen as two nuclear powers would never dare do that.  In essence, he said Judy is Stupid!!!

8.  I didn't bother responding, as Dr. David Jeremiah set out in his series on the state of our economy sermons that all they have to do is come over and demand payment and if we can't pay, they can repossess everything that's owed them, which would be our government.  Maybe I'm not wording it properly, but I don't think I'm stupid, just not able to express the truth of the matter that our debt is owed to China and Russia, I think my responder is Stupid!!!

OK, as you can see I'm not in the best of moods today and am not overlooking the stupidity of this world.  I may be a big part of that, but I can see when red is red, and black is black.  I'll never confuse black with red.  Sound off finished.  Gonna go celebrate my middle child's graduation from college now and get happy.


  1. sorry you aren't in the best mood. I totally agree with #1. I'm sorry about #7, that's rude.

  2. Two days latter still confused but not in a bad mood. After all I had Asian food for supper although not cooked by the best Korean cook I know, Jin.
