Sunday, July 24, 2011

National Association of Realtors: Why?

Our NAR magazine asked why is there an NAR?  You'd think they knew.

They did, and they gave the following answers:

1.  To advocate for the conditions and policies that will keep real estate business vibrant.

2.  The de facto advocate for 75 million Americans who own homes, 310 million Americans who require shelter.

3.  NAR is the champion of private property rights; and to our global partners around the world, it is a role model and a facilitator of international business.

4.  Without organized real estate, both the industry and the concept of private ownership in this country would be diminished.

Challenges today include banks making lending and shortsale decisions; to regulators and legislators who set our tax and housing policies; to the companies that would like to commoditize what we do for their profit. 

Goals of NAR:  1.  Helping to establish a successor to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that will preserve the secondary mortgage market;  2  protect the mortgage interest deduction and other tax incentives that drive home ownership; and 3 defend the principles of sound underwriting versus government-imposed mortgage qualifications.

So all in all the National Association of Realtors is on the cutting edge of protecting your rights to home ownership, my right to sell homes, and everyone's right to participate in the free market system.  Let's hear a cheer for the NAR!!

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